Dear guest,
thanks for taking interest in our extensive offer of Footmodel
and I would like to thank you in the name of the Footmodel Team.
Footmodel is an Art-Fetish-Site with the main subject of foot-,
leg- and bandage- fetish.
Additionally you will find on Footmodel also some pics from the
CastPlanet productions, but with the emphasis foot legs. This means,
a variety of pictures from CastPlanet productions are shown on Footmodel,
which did not get published on CastPlanet. Parallel to the bandage
productions there will also be a cast update on a regularly basis.
Please take some time to read the following fundamental lines.
On Footmodel there are Models to be seen in "posing scenes",
meaning they are not "genuine pictures". There is no violence
and no blood. This would not correspond to contents of the site.
The accident scenes posed, which are likewise never the result of
an outside impact by another person, are the limit that we show.
We followed the multiple desire for complete stories and the event
of the accident belongs to it. On this occasion we would like to
thank our Models for their acting talent and our photographers for
their professional work.
If it turns out, that some picture series on Footmodel should lead
us to misunderstandings and misinterpretations and we by justified
criticism come to the conviction that it is better not to show these
pictures we reserve the right to take pictures without advance notice
from the net.
We would like to point out, that our Models are always pictured
and shown in a distant way, revealing their beauty.
In the following we answer some questions to you about the Member
I hope that you enjoy Footmodel and I would like to welcome you
as a member - sooner or later.
Your Footmodel-Team